Our exclusive line of premium dog toys designed to captivate and entertain even the most discerning of furry friends. From durable chew toys that are made from non harmful components and have 5+ health benefits to interactive puzzles, each piece is crafted with love and precision to ignite your pet's joy and playfulness.
When our beautiful Pedigree European Dobermann joined our family we had noticed she could go through toys bought in store and online in a matter of seconds without a moment's thought. We felt disheartened and discouraged, frankly we were just disappointed with spending so much money for them not to last even a day! I sat with my husband and discussed this matter with him and that's when I said there needs to be toys built for dogs that are "TOUGH LUVERS" and without hesitation we had our name as well as our concept.
We did some research with our trusty companion (Phoenix) to see whether any shop bought toys could honestly go through the test of time and after a vigorous rough and tumble, Phoenix continued to come out on top as the Heavyweight Champion of Toy destruction.
The passion to find something for the resilient underdogs was our mission from then on. Through product research, material testing and development, we found the answer to one of the BIGGEST questions on the #DogGram!
The catalogue of toys Tough Luv has to offer are strong but also beneficial to our loveable rogues. To find out more about these wonderful benefits, please feel free to look over your desired products in our catalogue section by simply selecting one of our unique toys.